Auditory Processing: The ability to take in and interpret verbal information that you hear at the letter, word, or sentence level.

Dyslexia: A language-based learning disability which often interferes with a student’s ability to read, spell, write, and speak.

Educational Therapy: Individualized remediation structured around a student’s academic and processing strengths and challenges.

Executive Function: Executive function is the “conductor” of your brain, which helps you organize, plan, problem-solve, and stay on-task.

Fluency: The ease and accuracy at which connected text is read.  Increased fluency is directly correlated to increased reading comprehension.

Phonemic Awareness: The ability to segment and blend sounds within a word.  For example, breaking up the word CAT into its three individual sounds C-A-T (segmenting) or combining the three individual sounds C-A-T to make the word CAT.

Phonics: The ability to recognize and apply knowledge of phonetic patterns and rules while reading and spelling.

Phonological Awareness: The ability to identify and manipulate various speech sounds within a word.  Such skills involve breaking words into syllables, rhyming, and segmenting and blending sounds within a word (phonemic awareness).  This skill is an essential building block for reading success.

Working Memory: The brain’s ability to hold onto information while manipulating and applying that information to a given task.